/** * Komponenta s nadpisem bloku a skupiny radiobuttonu misto Selectu */ /* TODO: @rowfocustoggle pokud je hidelist */ Vue.component('slidedown-option', { template: `
{{ header }}
{{ hidelist == false ? '-':'+' }}

{{ showtxtname() }}

`, //jmeno formulare, text, volby, vybrana hodnota props: ['header', 'options', 'name', 'setindex', 'rowindex', 'value', 'xkey', 'hidelist','txtvalue'], methods: { //pokud zmenim ja, nikoliv zmena z rodice onchange(item) { // item jsou data radiobuttonu, v this je cely blok this.txtname = item.name; //this.hidelist=true; this.$emit('changed', item.key, this.name, this.setindex, this.rowindex,item); // this.$emit('rowfocus', null, null); //urcite existuje lepsi zpusob jak to adresovat (reference?) }, onexpandclick(item) { //alert(this.rowindex); //this.hidelist=false; this.$emit('rowfocus', this.setindex, this.rowindex); }, //pokud je aktivni zavri, jinak otevri //zavri=$parent.xindex={set:setnr,row:rownr}; ontoggleclick() { // alert(this.setindex+','+this.rowindex); //this.hidelist=false; this.$emit('rowfocustoggle', this.setindex, this.rowindex, this.hidelist); }, isequal(param1) { var param2 = this.value; var r = undefined; if (param1 === param2) { r = true; } else { r = false; } return r; }, isRadioEnabled(keyword,setindex, rowindex,radioindex) { let enabled = this.$parent.isRadioEnabled(keyword, setindex,rowindex,radioindex); return enabled; }, isInputDisabled(keyword) { //funguje nejak divne. ja potrebuju cely formular a tohle mi vrati disabled pro 1 aktualni select //zrejme potrebuju refreshovat cely blok() // console.log("komptDisabled",keyword,this.setindex);// //var disabled=true; let disabled = this.$parent.isOptionDisabled(keyword, this.setindex); // console.log('keyword:'+keyword,'set:'+ this.setindex,'disabled:'+ disabled); // console.log('isInputDisabled set:'+ this.setindex,keyword,disabled); return disabled; }, showtxtname() { //console.log(this.value, this.txtname); if (this.value !== '') { //txtname = this.txtname; } else { this.txtname = ""; } return this.txtname; }, refresh(){ //console.log("refresh"); // this.txtname=this.findNameByKey(); //this.$forceUpdate(); }, // findNameByKey(srchkey) { //najde nazev podle tagu v configu. uz nepouzivame. // // var value = this.value; // var foundOption = this.options.find(function(srchkey) { // return option.key === value; // }); // if (foundOption) { // return foundOption.name; // } else { // console.log ("Name not found"); // } // }, findValueByKey(key) { var arr = this.options; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i].key === key) { return arr[i].name; } } return null; // Return null if the key is not found in the array } }, computed: { txtrowindex(){ return String(this.rowindex+1).padStart(2, '0'); } }, watch: { value: function(newVal, oldVal) { this.txtname=this.findValueByKey(newVal); } }, data() { return { txtname: this.txtname, } } }); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- v puvodnim skriptu odesilame takto: $.post( "///core/modules/api-shop.php", {cmd:"addItem",pcsadd:ks,itemid:itemnr}, function( data ) { basketbox.$data.visible=true; pub.tools=data; } ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */